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Mouth Guards

Wear Mouth Guards to Prevent Sports Injuries

Did you know that each year more than five million teeth are knocked out (avulsed)? And, many of the occurrences are during sports activities that come at the cost of replacement, which often reaches up to $500 million every year! So, what do we do to protect our teeth and mouths while participating in our favorite sport? We utilize mouth guards.

In the past 10 years, research has shown that during athletic performance—whether a weekend warrior or professional athlete—the use of a specifically designed sports mouth guard, similar to an oral appliance for treating sleep apnea, can:

  • Increase strength up to 20%
  • Enhance aerobic endurance
  • Reduce stress-related hormone levels following exercise

Let’s take a look at injury statistics and why mouth guards are important to wear while participating in various sporting activities.



Mouth Injury Statistics

We mentioned it previously, but the cost to treat an avulsed tooth over a lifetime is between $5,000 and $20,000. Dental injury statistics in sports are difficult to obtain, with several studies stating dental injury rates in up to 80% of participants.

Basketball, football, hockey, martial arts, and boxing all carry the highest risk for a dental injury, but non-contact sports can also carry a risk. In each sport, orofacial injuries will vary with the most common being a soft tissue injury such as a laceration. However, the majority of dental trauma appears to be a tooth (crown) fracture, tooth avulsion, or tooth sublaxation (loose tooth).

football player

Say Yes to a Mouth Guard

Most studies out there will show that mouth guards help to significantly reduce dental injuries with the overall rate of an orofacial injury being 1.6 to 1.9 times higher when a mouth guard is not worn at all. Currently, mouth guards are required by the NCAA in several sports, including men’s and women’s lacrosse, field hockey and ice hockey.

On the other hand, baseball and basketball are two sports where orofacial trauma is common, but few participants wear mouth guards. Some athletes might claim mouth guards are uncomfortable and affect breathing and communication, but that is not the case. With a mouth guard you should be able to speak and breathe without discomfort.

Wearing a mouth guard is one of the best ways to help prevent injury to your your teeth, tongue, lips and jaw. Through the use of a custom-fit mouth guard, you can receive the protection you need because it is made to fit your teeth and your teeth only. What are you waiting for? Improve your game by protecting your teeth, tongue, lips and jaw with a mouth guard.



Contact Craniofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Center of Georgia to learn more about mouth guards and how they can help protect your teeth and mouth from injury while participating in various sporting events.