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Type 2 Diabetes Directly Affects Sleep Apnea

Type 2 Diabetes Directly Affects Sleep Apnea

If you have type 2 diabetes, you should also be watching out for sleep apnea. In fact, in a 2013 study it stated that people with type 2 diabetes can have a nearly 50-50 chance of being diagnosed with sleep apnea. Since sleep apnea can worsen diabetes symptoms, it is important to seek treatment right […]

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Sleep Apnea and Depression: What’s the Connection?

Sleep Apnea and Depression: What’s the Connection?

Feeling sad every now and then is a fundamental part of the human experience, but persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness and disinterest in things are symptoms of depression. Today, depression affects at least 20 million Americans and it is not something that should be ignored. If you find that you are feeling depressed, take […]

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What are the Side Effects of Oral Appliance Therapy?

What are the Side Effects of Oral Appliance Therapy?

When you seek treatment for your sleep apnea, you can reduce your risk for a variety of health conditions, such as: Heart Disease Stroke Diabetes Hypertension Through treatment with oral appliance therapy, you can also experience an improvement in daytime alertness, concentration and emotional stability. With that being said, why wouldn’t you want to get […]

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Improve Your Understanding of Sleep Apnea

Improve Your Understanding of Sleep Apnea

Snoring isn’t anything to worry about, right? Wrong. Frequent, long snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea, which is a common and potentially serious disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts as you sleep. To protect yourself and improve your health, it is important to understand the difference between snoring and sleep apnea. […]

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A Look at Restless Leg Syndrome

A Look at Restless Leg Syndrome

Have you ever experienced a sleepless night? Many people who can’t sleep will wonder if they suffer from some sort of sleeping disorder. Occurring in many people, sleep disorders prevent or limit sleep, which can lead to disruptions in daily behavior patterns while hindering a person’s ability to work. Let’s take a closer look at […]

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High Blood Pressure and Sleep Apnea Connection

High Blood Pressure and Sleep Apnea Connection

Sleep apnea can lead to a long list of complications in other conditions (as well as its own condition). To expand on this area of the worsening of conditions, sleep apnea has an inability to regulate blood pressure. Just one bout of sleep apnea can impact your ability to regulate blood pressure—only one instance can […]

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Heart Disease and Sleep Apnea: What’s the Connection?

Heart Disease and Sleep Apnea: What’s the Connection?

Have you ever woken up to your partner snoring? Or maybe your partner woke you up because YOU were snoring. Either way you look at it, snoring can get a little annoying, especially for someone who has to listen to it. However, snoring stops being annoying when the snorer repeatedly stops breathing for brief moments […]